In Williams v. Williams, the child’s father appealed the family court’s denial of his motion to modify visitation which was affirmed on appeal. The COA held that a parent’s initiation of custody proceedings did not automatically waive the children’s psychotherapist-patient privilege under KRE 507.  The court then explained the procedure for family courts to use to determine when the privilege was waived. The Court also reaffirmed the broad discretion permitted family courts in the conduct of interviews of children.

Here are individual summaries prepared by the AOC organized by legal topics this months PUBLISHED decisions only.

For a list of all archived monthly summaries, please click here for those at the AOC web site and click here for those posted here on this blog.

Please note some of these published decisions may have pending motions for discretionary review so you are cautioned to confirm finality of disposition by going to the AOC’s web site.