Here are some of the issues to be heard —

Breach of contract: Trial court granted partial summary judgment against Appellant under a guaranty and suretyship agreement related to a promissory note.

Appellant participated in a medical research study for kidney transplants. Appellees assured her the study involved no negative side effects. Appellant developed blood cancer as a result of her participation in the study. Appellant claims breach of duty to provide informed consent. Trial court ruled as a matter of law that consent was in compliance.

Kristen Mackey, a resident of Canada, received injuries in work-related accident that occurred in Kentucky. She became eligible to receive workers compensation benefits subject to the limitations of the KY Workers Compensation Act. KRS 342.670 (3) affords Canadian employers the protections of the KY Act provided the employer secured Canada’s workers compensation.

At issue is whether the trial court erred in denying an ineffective assistance of counsel claim after an evidentiary hearing.

At issue in a landlord/tenant dispute is whether the trial court erred in granting summary judgment for appellee and not granting appellant’s motion for trial judge to recuse.

Click here for a complete list of our posts for COA Arguments and here for those for SCOKY. And here is a link to the AOC page containing their index to all Court to Appeal oral argument calendars. with names, litigants, issues, and the dates/times/locations for each argument – Oral Arguments Calendar.