The official site at the Administrative Office of the Courts contains the following information and pages that we monitor and then post as appropriate:

  • Press releases or official news dispatches
  • Minutes from rendition days, or the day the court announces the orders and decisions – published not to be published).  SCOKY issues minutes ONCE a month (3rd Thursday each month except for vacation in July).  COAKY issues minutes each Friday of the month.
  • Argument calendars. Posted a few months in advance.
  • Decisions.  Published and not for publication decisions are posted in complete text which is searchable when the minutes are announced.  SCOKY decisions go back to 1999 and COAKY back to 1996.
  • Orders (whenever found since no press release accompanies these).
  • Announcements or news when noted on the site or right side of their main page.

How, when and what we post:

  • The minutes are posted within days of their rendition.  We link to the minutes index at the site, and our own index copy which highlights the published decisions.  This announcementn of the minutes identies the date of the decisions, the numbers of those published, and for a while we are keeping a running tab of the senior status judges roles in those published decisions.
  • The arguments are posted at the beginning of the month with a link to the actual argument page from the AOC.
  • We are trying to post more detailed information on each argument the week before, to include dates and times, locations, case and issues.
  • Each PUBLISHED decision is posted as a separate blog entry after it has been digested by one of the editors.  The decision name, link to full text, action, presiding judge, date, key word description, and summary of the decision.  The editor digesting this decision is also noted.
  • The Louisville LawWire is a compilation of the decisions.  It is published separately and contains a link to the minutes for that week, the published decisions (with the same information from the digested post), and the "Not to be Published" decisions with a short key word desctiption and link to the decision.   The value of this is that you have a quick run-down on the decisions rendered in one post.  The Lawwire is stored at a separate site with a link from the site.  The Lawwire is published in "html" and "pdf" format.  The latter for those who wish to print it and read it at their leisure or post in a binder.

Each page is organized with:

  • Listing of the categories upon which we organize the posts (the decisions are posted by court (SCOKY and COAKY) and subject matter (Criminal); the minutes are listed in a separate category, as well as Lawwire and arguments).  By clicking on category you can filter out just those cases and posts under that subject category.
  • Listing of the most recent posts.
  • LIsting of the most recent comments.
  • Listing of the editors who volunteer their time and effort in providing this service.

The Kentucky Law Review (at is more of a running commentary and posting on news, cases, and other items of import in Kentucky with links announcing the posting of the minutes and LawWire.

The Kentucky Cases at (to be renamed shortly to the Kentucky Court Report) is akin to nearly official site of information with minimal or no editorial commentary or pieces.

Electronic "advance sheets" for the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals are posted weekly in a table format with case names, court, date, short description of decisions, and link to full text and are published weekly.  See.

Both sites have separate RSS and Email subscription fees.

Just thought you would like to know.