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I have been spending some more time on this site, and I hope you have noticed some of the changes.

  1. Embedding of documents.I can now embed into my posts the actual PDF documents with clickable links and all!  This includes the minutes, monthly summaries, argument calendars, etc. from the Court of Justice Web Site.

    See this link for an example.

    This saves me time, and brings this stuff to you directly by way of the email postings or the RSS feed generation.

  2. Menus, menus and more menus.Drop down menus should make this a much more useful site with menu options at the top based upon blog posting categories, and better yet direct links to the more useful pages at the Court of Justice.

    Just float your cursor on the menu bar, and you will see miracles before your very eyes.

  3. What’s in store for the future?A candy stand and dancing elephants!  No, not really.  But I’m working on it.