Here is a note from the most recent Board of Governor’s Meeting:
“President Ballantine reviewed the function and caps of the Clients’ Security Fund and a recommendation to increase the amount in the dues to better balance the fund. The Board and the Supreme Court are actively looking into other ways to fund the balance of the Fund for claimants.”
Thoughts…. A large increase one-time payment to the fund by all members who have been around ten years or so combined with a smaller annual bump in dues designated to up the fund. This is a short time fix which may have long standing sustainment.
Do not know if this is legal, but imagine a $1 bump in civil filing fees in circuit court for a single year? Needs passing by the legislature, and exemplifies self-insurance by all.
Or simply a combination of all of the above. This would produce a more than adequately funding client security fund for years, show the nation that we are more than a state with pension mismanagement, and justice is what we do for those harmed by the legal system.