Sample Medical Illustration for Use in Court Prepared by Medical Illustrator Delilah Cohn, MFA, CMI http://www.medillustrationstudio.com
Medical illustrations can take your diagnostic images and put them in an illustration that can be used in court, mediation or depositions to be more easily understood by jurors, adjusters, mediators and with more impact!
Your expert can use the illustration to portray their testimony, and jurors can take the hard copy back into the jury room. Digital images can be incorporated into your media presentation for opening and closings.
Please note the above image is a picture of the illustration prepared by Delilah Cohn for my last trial and enabled me to obtain a $300,000 plus verdict. A picture is worth a thousand words, and can be worth 300,000 dollars! The actual image was of better quality, and my testifying radiologist loved it! It provided an excellent comparison comparing before and after MRI studies of the disk and its damage from the collision. Wham! An actual MRI slice does not depict the graphic consequences of an extruded disk and its encroachment on the spinal column and nerves like a colorful illustration.
Delilah Cohn, MFA, CMI (click here to go to her web site)
Delilah Cohn is an award-winning, board certified medical illustrator with over 30 years of experience. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Art from the University of Illinois Medical Center in Chicago. She holds a Master of Fine Art degree in Illustration from Syracuse University and takes numerous continuing education programs in art and medicine to maintain her certification.
For those who wonder how I was able to “blur out” the name of the person in the image? Well, I used a free program called “skitch” from Evernote. Very useful. To reduce the resolution of the image to a more manageable size for the internet, I used Pixelmator (a cheaper and easier to use version similar to Photoshop from Adobe ™). You can most definitely use photoshop or a stripped down version of Elements for both Mac and Windoze. All Delilah provided me with high qualit digital images, I did not use them in this post but simply to a digital picture and made sure the image was only 72 DPI. Good enough for the web, but not good enough for court.
Please note, a medical illustration can be tailored to your particular x-rays etc., or you can save some money and use “stock” photos which are helpful but lack the laser focus connection to your particular case.
Published and Unpublished Decisions from the Kentucky Court of Appeals for August 23, 2013 (click here for AOC set of minutes)
The Court of Appeals announced 18 decisions this date, designating four of those decisions for publication (“To Be Published”).
Click here for complete list of all archived Court of Appeals Minutes that you can download from the Administrative Office of the Courts web site.
Short summary of the published decisions for this week are (click on the link for the full text of the decision from AOC):
Guess what none were designated to be published this week!
[gview file=”https://kycourtreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/MNT08232013.pdf”]