Cincinnati Ins. Co. v. Belt – held circuit court erred as a matter of law in failing to grant insurance company a directed verdict on the issue of coverage as the verdict was “palpably or flagrantly” against the evidence so as to have been reached by passion or prejudice. Plaintiff in bad faith case failed to establish ins. co. was obligated to pay her claim because coverage remained an issue to be decided and because insurer had a reasonable basis to contest coverage due to the fairly debatable factual disputes.

Published cases —

223. Cabinet of Health & Family Svcs v. Appalachian Reg Hosp – Medicaid reimbursement rates

225. Dickson v. Dickson – claims of mismanagement of family business and interference with heirs expectancy

231. Albright v. Childers – immunity from criminal prosecution under statute for defense of others KRS 503.085 and collateral estoppel

236. Kentucky Horse Race Comm. v. Motion – drug screening of horses; hearings

241. Seum v. Bevin – constitutionality of criminal statute on marijuana possession within context of medical marijuna use

246. Crowe v. Com. – domestic violence

252. J.(C.) v. S.(M.) – parental rights, biological parent and adoption

262. R & T Accoustics v. Aguirre – Workers Compensation, voluntary intoxication

Torts (unpublished) —

226. Pugh v. Lou/Metro Police – immunity

229. Hammond v. Owen Family LP – receivership and equitable accounting over breach of fiduciary duty of family business

244. Bowling v. Baptist Healthcare – medical negligence, sponge