Good news for me, for our digesters, and our readers.
The Kentucky Supreme Court and the Kentucky Court of Appeals are posting monthly digests of their opinions/decisions which are available on line in PDF format. A very useful service that apparently started a few months ago and which I did not notice until just recently. In fact, I "borrowed" some of their summaries into these pages the past few weeks (with credit of course).
In light of this development, I will need to reconsider the focus of this blog and its content. At a minimum, I will continue with posting minutes and published decisions as before (and will probably at a category for the monthly summaries).
Any comments, suggestions would be appreciated. Take a look at the monthly summaries (links at the bottom) and let me know if you think they are sufficient and/or would rather our editors continue their digests (which are a little more detailed)
There is absolutely no need to duplicate the efforts of others.
In fact, with the appellate courts preparing these digests, it may open the door to more analysis by the editors; or I can simply copy, paste, and credit the work to make it more readily and rapidly available.
The AOC site is getting more useful by the day. Now, if we can just get those videos converted to streaming video and available at our convenience rather than "live" in the middle of our work days when we are at court, depositions, and places other than in front of our computers.
Here are the links to the past summary pages (containing publised and nonpublished cases):
Needless to say, I am very much appreciative and supportive of this development since I have been editing and digesting these decisions for over five years in Louisville Law pages, the Louisville Law Wire, and now on the Kentucky Court Report. I love it when my tax dollars are at work!