On October 15, 2014 the Supreme Court of Kentucky (SCOKY) will hear oral arguments in the application of the premises liability “open and obvious” doctrine in a fall arising in an icy hotel parking lot; and the application of the two year statute of limitations for motor vehicle accident as to the exact date of the last PIP payment (check issued,  the date the PIP check was reissued or the date the replacement check clears the bank.

On October 16, 2014,  the Court will hear arguments on whether sanitary sewer districts get sovereign immunity; and post-conviction DNA testing & ineffective assistance of counsel in death penalty case.

2014.10.Breathitt.Older Court House.IMG_5872

The “OLD” Breathitt County Court House in Jackson, Kentucky. Photo by Michael Stevens.

For Kentucky Supreme Court LIVE argumentsclick here on date and time of argument.

Click here for link to table of all monthly oral argument calendars at Kentucky’s Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) from 2005 to date.

For the complete calendar with links to the appellate briefs, counsel, issues, case name, dates, times and more, then  click on ‘continue reading’ below.

[gview file=”https://kycourtreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/SCOOCT14.pdf”]