• Click here for  minutes at AOC with links to full text of each decision
  • 25 rendered decisions:  234-257
  • 10 published
  • 9 disciplinary matters
  • 4 grants of discreti0nary review
  • 1 rehearing petition granted
  • Minutes List of all published and nonpublished SCOKY decisions with links to the full text of the decision posted at web site plus orders regarding dismissals, extraordinary writs, discretionary review.

UPDATED: SC's Summary of Decisions for NovemberThe case summary report is created by the staff of
the Supreme Court of Kentucky for the convenience of the bench and
bar.  Every effort is made to present accurate information, including
status of the case, as of the date of posting.  The most recent status
for cases can be found on the Supreme CourtCourt of Appeals, or
other legal research websites.  Before citing any case, the user should
always read the entire opinion and ensure that the case is final.  CR